Oct 9, 2010

What is automatic transemission?

Automobile automatic transmissions - the intense and difficult mechanisms of rather specific design. The liquid serves in them not only greasing, but also the working body testing high power loadings along with the big differences of temperatures (to 170 degrees). Successfully carry out such functions the only specially developed products which for brevity can be designated abbreviation ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid) can.

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The main property which the liquid for automatic transmissions should possess, - the high fluidity especially necessary at low temperatures. Therefore as a basis usually use маловязкие the mineral oils corresponding to a class 5W on SAE. And that at heating such oil did not turn in "водичку", into it enter the synthetic thickener which action is shown only in a zone of high temperatures. For giving to an end-product of special characteristics in it include also target additives: friction modifiers, противоизносные and противозадирные additives, antioxidants, antifoamy agents, and also the substances interfering swelling of rubber consolidations. It is possible to consider all listed structure ATF developed and traditional, however recently it satisfies designers ever less.

With progress of technics of the requirement to physical properties of liquids continuously grow, transition from mineral oils as a basis on synthetic therefore looks logical. Today there are already very many grades commodity ATF, prepared on the basis of "synthetics". Their distribution restrains only one circumstance - the raised cost though in certain degree it is compensated by longer service life.

In spite of the fact that liquids for automatic КП are made by many firms and in many countries, the uniform classification system for this production does not exist yet. Practically everyone large автомобилестроительная the firm which is letting out automatic transmissions, has the standard schemes on this question. But requirements of developing technics are uniform for everything, therefore basic differences between numerous qualifying systems are not present. As a matter of fact, all of them cопоставимы, and absence of the uniform standard only creates complexities for the consumer having only one document - the factory instruction to the car. However and it is possible to see generalising approaches and tendencies which have developed historically in this situation. Whether trailblazers and главны ми adherents automatic to it is shy transfers at all times were American ав томобилестроите at appreciable leadership корпо portable radio sets of "Dzheneral Motors" (GMC). On its classification the liquid, исполь зовавшаяся in 60 70th years, had marks "type And", at "Ford" the product of the same appointment called ся "type F" (with operational it is possible to consider these points of view ATF equivalent). With on чала 80 "Dzheneral Motors" has appropriated a bone used the Jew registered тор говую mark "Deksron-II" (Dex ron-II), and "Ford" - mark "Measures a game" (Mercon). Have been accordingly reconsidered and ужесто чены technical requirements to recommended ATF.

Eventually "Deksron-II" repeatedly was exposed to modernisation. In the beginning there was "Deksron-IID", and since 1990 - "Deksron-IIE" who in 1993 became obligatory for all new cars GMC with automatic boxes. Couple of years working out of the newest product which has received a designation of "Deksron-III" back has been finished. As to "Ford" in 1994 it also has reconsidered the specification and has entered the modified executions

The big and prestigious American cars with boxes-automatic machines have the circle of buyers and disperse worldwide. Accordingly and instructions of their manufacturers on applicability of technical liquids are known everywhere. But make liquids not автомобилестроительные, and the oil refining companies. And at them the network of the enterprises, which in each country on local automobile factories though, of course, consider also motor pool structure. As a result there was a situation when each grade commodity ATF satisfies to specifications of many motor-car manufacturers that is necessarily marked on firm labels. Here, for example, a liquid "Tramsmax S" it is known firms "Кастрол" (Castrol): it corresponds to qualifying categories "Deksron-IID", "Ford Merkon", "Mercedes Benz 236.8", "Katerpiller ТР2" and several more. All it is specified on everyone bank, therefore to the buyer who has taken packing in hands, it is necessary to find only (or not to find) in the list those marks which are ordered by the instruction to its car.

It is characteristic that the designation under the specification "Dzheneral Motors" is present on labels practically always, and it is at times serves as a good reference point. We will tell, the instruction of your "Mercedes" orders a product with a firm index "236.6" and "Deksron-IID" is simultaneously admitted, and on offered bank the designation "Mercedes Benz 236.8" is specified you. It is a pity, but figures do not converge. However on a label marks of "Deksron-IIE" appear also, and from told above it is known that on gradation of "Dzheneral Motors" this step above. Hence, the given liquid even is better recommended, only it for certain is hardly more expensive.

But we will address to a widespread case, when the reserved or casually bought liquid more low a rank, than recommended. The decision should be categorical - to use it is impossible. However position happens also desperate. How to be? If the car far not new, with solid run it is difficult to assume that a discount "on one step" causes disastrous consequences. Nevertheless at the first possibility it is necessary to get and fill in a product of demanded quality. Well and more serious deviation from instructions it is not necessary to suppose under no circumstances.

Especially it is necessary to underline that ATF it is impossible to replace with any other technical liquids or oils, be they of the highest level at the direct application. For this reason liquids for boxes-automatic machines are painted in red colour which is swept well up. The mess in this question can manage the expensive.

In summary some words about domestic ATF. A variety here is not present. In due time the mark And ", approximately similar" to type And "under the specification" Dzheneral Motors "has been mastered". It is not cancelled and to this day. There was also a product with marks "МГТ", made on THAT 38.101103-87 later. At it about the same qualitative level. On sale, and especially on firm services, they meet seldom, and an approach principle to them all the same: to correlate their application to instructions of manufacturer of your car. An approach principle to them all the same: to correlate their application to instructions of manufacturer of your car.

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