At these cars as it was already told, as driving wheels serve back are so-called "the classical scheme". The Increasing cars usually are rear-wheel. All variations of "Touo1a Magk-P" and old cars concern the same group. A back drive the cars applying on спортивность (usually two-door) also have. At all "old-fashionedness", rear-wheel cars are irreplaceable by transportation cargoes; another matter that in a luggage carrier of same "Magk-P" to you will not be possible to place a lot of cargo - the Back drive even at not so powerful motor allows to pass turns with operated drift, but skill of the driver in this case is necessary. Rear-wheel "Touo1a Тruenо", for example, can is very effective (with проворачиванием wheels, with рысканьем all car on road) гронуться from a place, is clear - at the wheel the sportsman. But hardly this car will be dispersed to 100 km/hour faster by usual front-wheel "Touo1a Sogo11a", under a condition. That by both cars there are identical engines (usually it is the engine FOR) though the second car can and not squeal rubber at трогании.
+ rear-wheel cars is easier under repair + it is possible to transport the big cargo on slippery road.
+ unforgettable sights of casual passers-by when they see, how you, enjoying capacity of the motor, pass turn with operated drift.
- Small volume of a luggage carrier
- Difficult controllability and low passableness on slippery roads
- These cars ("Magk-P", "Sgown") not for country roads: very easily it is possible to punch the pallet or to bend the driveshaft.
All-wheel drive cars
These are the most difficult, most "gluttonous" and most expensive cars. Driving wheels at them are all four, but all not so is simple. At the majority of cars 4wd as leaders serve back (it basically all "джипообразные" cars) and then forward wheels are connected only sometimes, the special lever or the button, and the car becomes all-wheel drive. Or the basic leaders are forward wheels, and back only are sometimes connected for some time. These cars are usually designated simply 4wd (4 wпе11 drаiw). It "Subaru leone", "Sarib" and others.
All these cars possess one lack: at mode inclusion 4wd any wheels should revolve, i.e. lose coupling with road. The matter is that during each moment of time forward and back wheels pass a different way (roughnesses of road, turns, and diameters of wheels because of non-uniform deterioration at least slightly differ), and forward and back wheels in this case are connected is rigid, therefore. Often it is necessary to observe such picture: "Subaru" on asphalt at great speed moves, takes off on ice, and suddenly, all of a sudden. It brings, and the car in a ditch. All is clear - the driver has included a mode 4wd), and any wheels of this car have been simply compelled slightly пробуксовать, means, to lose coupling with road, to restore which on ice completely not simply. If to include "4wd" on dry road it is possible to notice that the second bridge both is connected not at once, and switched off even worse. It also is connected with the compelled proslipping of separate wheels in a mode 4wd. And as road dry, all transmission, i.e. all driveshafts, drives, gear wheels etc. are in a transmission under strong pressure, such strong what to pull out a gear wheel of connection of the second bridge very difficultly. Deterioration of all transmission thus very big. It is necessary to notice that the right and left wheel (from forward or back) also pass the different way to each interval of time but that there was no proslipping, in the bridge, in the main transfer, costs the special mechanism which prevents this proslipping. This mechanism is called as interwheel differential. All in it is good, but one wheel on ice, and the car забуксует though the second wheel is, let us assume, on dry asphalt here will get. All the matter is that the usual differential transfers the moment only to that wheel which is easier for rotating, cross-country qualities thus decrease. That it did not occur, in Japanese cars is applied (only by new all-wheel drive cars) differential blocking, usually automatic, or the differential of the raised friction (ММС Lancer) is established.
On modern all-wheel drive motor vehicles establish one more differential - interaxal. These cars bear on themselves an inscription "4wd full time", it means that a mode "4wd" at it constant. By such car the moment from the engine is transferred to all wheels посгоянно, any overload of the transmission, any proslipping on ice, magnificent "держание roads" (turns can be passed for the speed большей, than it is possible for itself to allow even by a front-wheel drive vehicle). But if to put such car forward wheels on ice. And back on asphalt it, most likely, забуксует and from a place will not get under way. That it did not occur, by such cars compulsory blocking of interaxal differential is almost always provided. After its inclusion the car turns to the usual cross-country vehicle 4wd) with its overload of transmission on dry road and proslipping of wheels on ice. But on many cars this blocking is carried out automatically: Stand either silicone муфты, or usual disks, as in boxes-automatic machines which pressure of oil raise a friction in differential, i.e. all the same, as in interwheel differentials. Such автомобкль, irrespective of your experience and ability, is really cross-country. Certainly, this cross-country vehicle is much more expensive, more gluttonous and more difficult under repair. The case when in a distributing box of a minibus 4wd have filled in usual трансмиссионное oil, and only is known when the box "was screwed", have found out what to pour into it it was necessary АТР (dextron-П, for example) since there there were same raised dust disks, as in the automatic machine. But to go on it it is possible in any snowfall, at all without possessing a driving wide experience under trying conditions.
From all aforesaid follows, what not any all-wheel drive car is really the cross-country vehicle, therefore, visiting on any snow-covered hill, be not under a delusion, thinking that at you very passable car. And after all in a victim of this like passableness it is brought both comfort, and luggage carrier volume, both dynamism, and profitability. Besides some cars which, at first sight, as though "jeeps", actually those are not. For example, "КiА Sportage" or "Cheroki" not that impassability, our roads hardly transfer that. It, so to say, "the brightest" fakes under the cross-country vehicle. From jeeps more often MMS Rajero get to repair "and" Touo1a "Surf - And,"Rajero"with engines 4D55 and 4D56 in this list go" with the big separation ". Most less often -" Nissan Safari "and" Touo1a Land Cruiser "And these cars of earlier year of release about repair get even less often, than new. From automobile all-wheel drive cars "Subaru Leone" is the strongest, of course, behind it there and then there is "Touo1a Sap". Well, and more often to repair gets "ММС Lancer 4WD". Нядо to notice that in all-wheel drive cars, especially in jeeps, defects much more, than in usual cars, and after all both sedans, and jeeps were produced by the same firms. It, probably, speaks that hazardous people, romanticists, hunters and fishers use jeeps. And if the beginning of the hunting season coincides in due course the next servicing they, most likely, will offer servicing. What change of oil if red fish has gone! Besides the powerful off-road car so adds courage to its driver when that rolls the companion on прибойной to a strip on a beach. Therefore almost at all jeeps in bridges and reducers water, the forward bridge joins hardly, and in naves instead of greasing a dirt. Operational development "to mind" a second-hand jeep demands more efforts and energy, than operational development of any other car, and spare parts on a jeep cost much more expensive.
Some words about minibuses. It would Seem, owing to the universality it is very good kind of family transport. But, alas. And they have lacks which, maybe, not so are obvious, but preferring a minibus, you should consider and them.
1. Fuel consumption at the bus above, than at a usual sedan, it is connected with the big weight of a minibus, with other transfer number in the main transfer (from a place the minibus gets under way very quickly) and with the big aero-dynamic resistance.
2. The risk to suffer at any collisions in a minibus above, than in the usual car as speak, "life is shorter on one and a half metre".
3. If you weigh more than 90 kg (at corresponding growth), to take place at the wheel minibus with comfort you will not be possible. And in a minibus it is necessary passengers more hard, since sitting in it do not possess such degree of fixing of a body as in sedans, therefore the poor passenger in a minibus should catch at once after start something hands if does not want that it wound on all salon.
4. If you buy a diesel minibus should know that in salon till the end of his life there will be a smell of diesel fuel. Comfort and "playfulness" will be less, than at analogues with petrol engines. To refuel fuel, truth, it is possible in any village with its tractors, but with risk to fill in low-grade fuel.
5. Forces and time for care of a minibus it is necessary to spend much more, one помывка bodies and cleaning of salon of that stand. In salon of a passenger minibus there is no place for everyones "нужностей": canisters, banks with oil, wires "прикуривателя" and so on. After car rubbing even a rag there is no place to put - around one carpets. Sedans for this purpose have a whole luggage carrier. Only at the superaccurate owners simply "turned" on cleanliness and having garages for storage of all absolutely necessary things, minibuses look well both from within, and outside.
6. All minibuses are much less steady on road because of a high arrangement of the centre of gravity and big парусности and it is ready less "вездеходны" since at them is worse развесовка on axes. The last is especially appreciable in a snowfall. The behaviour on road empty н груженного a minibus very strongly differs, therefore to operate this type of transport to not skilled drivers much more difficult.
7. Minibuses as a whole are less reliable, than sedans, because of the complexity. For example, "oven" in any car is enough чг hundred is at the bottom of "headache" at the owner: that does not heat, has begun to flow, and in their minibus besides two. And to repair minibuses it is more difficult. More often minibuses "Touota Lite Asya" get to repair ("TOWN to Asya") with diesel engines, "Mazda Vongo" also with diesel engines and "ММС Delica". Most less often - "Nissan Caravan" and "Nissan Vanette".
Now, when you in a course of the basic lacks of minibuses, can continue to love them.
Let's talk about cars to a body "versatile person", i.e. with a heel (or the third) a back door. It would Seem, capacity has increased, but, buying such car, keep in mind the following:
1. Also as well as at a minibus, all that usually is in a luggage carrier, will be will rattle and smell in salon, and the cosiness in salon any more will not be never.
2. Because of features of aerodynamics of such car the quantity of a dust in salon will sharply increase. Because of the same features back glass tends to become soiled, and even if there is back "yard keeper", it reduces pleasure from driving. And appearance of a back door (it dusty and dirty in any weather) does not decorate the car. However, versatile persons never also did not apply for prestigiousness.
3. Now the majority of these cars has a forward drive, therefore, as well as all front-wheel cars, such versatile persons do not differ the big load-carrying capacity about what already it was told above: more than two bags of a country potato on ice you will not take away, forward wheels otherwise unload, and their coupling with road decreases. And if a potato to clean, the car becomes rigid, after all it half the truck, and its suspension bracket is accordingly designed.
And here than the versatile person, so it that in it it is very convenient to carry a dog (big) is good. It is possible and talk to it, and thus it will not spoil a back sofa, and will not bark зам directly in an ear, having seen ahead of any colleague-friend. And car to whom will "look after", when, having left the car, you will come into shop.
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